EvalYouth Latin America and the Caribbean (EvalYouth LAC) is a regional chapter of EvalYouth and is aimed at strengthening and including young and emerging evaluators actress the region. It provides a space to create a community of young and emerging evaluators who can share and exchange useful information on job opportunities, courses, events, training, and other topics related to evaluation in the LAC region .
Chapter Founders
- Josette Arévalo (Ecuador)
- Antonella Guidccio (Argentina)
- Claudia Olavarría (Chile)
- Sofía Estévez (Argentina)
- Rodrigo Luna (Nicaragua)
- Alejandra Lucero (Argentina)
- Pablo Benítez (Paraguay)
Current Leadership
- Co-chair: Claudia Olavarría (Chile)
- Co-chair: Gerardo Sánchez (Mexico)
- ExCom member: Emanuel Blanca (Costa Rica)
- ExCom member: Juan Pablo Castillo (Bolivia)
- ExCom member: Oxana Salazni (Argentina)
Contact info
Twitter: @evalyouth_lac