
EvalYouth Latin America and the Caribbean (EvalYouth LAC) is a regional chapter of EvalYouth and is aimed at strengthening and including young and emerging evaluators actress the region. It provides a space to create a community of young and emerging evaluators who can share and exchange useful information on job opportunities, courses, events, training, and other topics related to evaluation in the LAC region .

Chapter Founders

  1. Josette Arévalo (Ecuador)
  2. Antonella Guidccio (Argentina)
  3. Claudia Olavarría (Chile)
  4. Sofía Estévez (Argentina)
  5. Rodrigo Luna (Nicaragua)
  6. Alejandra Lucero (Argentina)
  7. Pablo Benítez (Paraguay)

Current Leadership

  1. Co-chair: Claudia Olavarría (Chile)
  2. Co-chair: Gerardo Sánchez (Mexico)
  3. ExCom member: Emanuel Blanca (Costa Rica)
  4. ExCom member: Juan Pablo Castillo (Bolivia)
  5. ExCom member: Oxana Salazni (Argentina)

Contact info


Twitter: @evalyouth_lac
