
Wanjiku Kariuki

Abel Gbala

Ahmad Murtaza Baddr

Tek Singh Bhat
The main purpose and objective of Task Force 3 (TF3) is to build the capacities of Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) through free and highly accessible networking, capacity building activities, and other opportunities. It aims to achieve this by hosting e-learning webinars and virtual conferences.

Annual Virtual Conference
Since 2016, TF3 has successfully organized and conducted 4 Evaluation Virtual Conferences, with the 5th one planned on November 21st, 2020. The virtual conferences were broadcasted globally in English with real-time translation in French, Spanish and Russian languages. After 5 years, these conferences have proven to be highly relevant and useful for YEEs, and are highly sought for their ability to provide high-quality and cost-effective opportunities for YEEs to improve their skills in evaluation.
It also allows YEEs to network and be part of a professional evaluation community.
1. Building Bridges to Evaluation Practice was EvalYouth’s first virtual conference. Conducted in December 2016, the conference focused on how to enter the field of evaluation and build your career, and how to develop the skills and learning methods to conduct evaluations. More than 600 participants from all across the world registered for the conference.
2. Finding Your Place in the Evolving World of Evaluation was the second EvalYouth virtual conference that was conducted in November 2017. More than 500 participants from all across the globe registered for the three sessions on Individual Capacities, Institutional Evaluation Capacities, and Enabling Environments for Evaluation. These included case studies from around the world, such as what Eastern Europe was doing to improve evaluator capabilities, the role YEEs in the leadership of the VOPE Réseau Francophone d’Evaluation (RFE), and the enabling environments in Afghanistan and Argentina.
3. Cutting Edge Evaluation was the theme for the third EvalYouth virtual conference that was conducted in November 2018. More than 500 participants registered for this innovative, dynamic, and thought-provoking virtual conference that aimed to help young and emerging evaluators learn about cutting edge evaluation techniques and tools. Specifically, it provided participants with the opportunity to hear from experts across the globe on Monitoring and Evaluation and IT.
4. Building Skills & Learning Methods for Conducting Evaluation was the fourth EvalYouth virtual conference that was conducted in November 2019. More than 650 participants registered for the conference that had sessions on evaluation design and methodology, as well as on evaluation results and the evaluation of SDGs.
5. Evaluation for Transformation and Social Change. Sessions included “Evaluation During Social and Environmental Unrest and Crises ” and “Youth-Focused and YEE-led Evaluation for Transformative Evaluation: Youth Activism in and Through Evaluation.” This year TF3 was proud to be adding one more language to the simultaneous translation: participants will be able to follow the conference in English, Russian, French, Spanish, and Arabic!
6. Evaluation to construct a resilient and better future. Sessions included "Evaluation to construct a resilient and better future: Role and impact of YEEs in Evaluation”, “Social justice and equity consideration in Evaluation in relation to Youth and YEE work”, "Journey of being an evaluator", TF3 is proud to be adding one more language to the simultaneous translation: participants will be able to follow the conference in English, Russian, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Portuguese!
E-learning webinars
The EvalYouth e-learning program has been a great opportunity for thousands of Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) from across the globe to listen to and learn from the world’s most prominent and senior evaluators. These have been organized as six free webinars, with content delivered for specific audiences or regions in their local language (English, French, Spanish, and/or Russian):
- The first e-learning webinar Where there is no Training took place in 2017 with Riitta Oksanen, the then-president of the European Evaluation Society and Deputy Director General for the Department for Development Policy in the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The webinar focused on the role of training in the professionalization of evaluation.
2. The second e-learning webinar The Art of Evaluation Management took place in 2018 and focused on managing evaluations. It featured Tessie Catsambas, then president-elect of the American Evaluation Association and Founder and CEO of EnCompass LLC.
3. Also in 2018, the third e-learning webinar Adventures in Blunderland featured 3 speakers: Kylie Hutchinson from Community solutions Planning & Evaluation, Isaac D. Castillo of Venture Philanthropy Partners, and Susan Igras from Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health. It focuses on the mistakes evaluators make and the lessons learned from them.
4. The fourth e-learning webinar Believe and Make it Happen in 2018 provided lessons learned and tips for making evaluations gender-responsive. It featured Silvia Salinas, General Coordinator of RELAC, and Svetlana Negroustoueva, Co-Chair of EvalGender+.
5. The fifth e-learning webinar Be a Young Evaluator Who Makes A Difference featured Marco Segone, the Director of UNFPA’s Evaluation Office, in 2018. He discussed how young evaluators can make a difference in the SDGs.
6. The sixth e-learning webinar Big Data and Evaluation discussed how to use these concepts for youth-focused programs. It featured Michael Bamberger, an M&E expert, and IPDET trainer.